Dr Dinsmore was appointed consultant at Royal Victoria Hospital where he became the clinical lead for STDS SDIs . He also developed services in Altnagelvin and Coleraine.
He saw the first patient with AIDS in the province in 1982 and went on to see most of the early AIDS cases. He was closely involved in AIDS care at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
He was involved in much research in STD HIV and sexual dysfunction having written 116 research papers on Sexually transmitted disease which can be accessed on the Pubmed internet site,
He founded one of the first AIDS journals in the world (International Journal of STD and AIDS) in 1991 and remained its editor for 20 years until 2011.
He founded the British Society of Sexual Medicine in 1997 and became its only life member in 2008.
Dr Dinsmore Published “Impotence - A Guide for Men of all Ages” which won the British Medical Association book award in 2001
He was appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Ulster in 2002
He obtained MD 1984, FRCP London 1993, FRCP Ireland 1996 and FRCP Edinburgh 1996
The Dinsmore Clinic was established as there was a growing demand for a private clinic that offered complete confidentiality. With the growth of international travel, there was a growing concern about the possibility of contracting STDs.
Dr Dinsmore has had many research projects published in across the world in medical journals. You can find examples US National Library of Medicine